Five Lists to Excite New Ideas
November 30, 2014.
I love lists. I click, think, and explore new ideas. Lists can lead to a fork in the road you didn’t know was there. Thanksgiving stomachs full? Feed your hungry brain.
25 Websites That Will Make You Smarter
These websites include some sites making headines, include CodeAcademy, Khan Academy and one of my favorites, Lifehacker.
7 Essential Life Skills for High Schoolers to Build Before College
Learn why skills like planning and managing money are so important.
Smart List: 24 Cool Sites We’re Thankful For
I especially liked the sites built around learning through travel.
The 22 Rules to Perfect Storytelling, According to Pixar
My favorite is number four. This is a simple, clear way to draft your story.
35 Things You Should Do For Your Career By The Time You Turn 35
This list will help you figure out your priorities. One of my favorites for people of any age is #6: “Do something you are really, really proud of.”
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