2015 College Scholarships List from Spokeo

The search engine/content aggregator Spokeo announces their own Spokeo Connections Scholarship, as well as a site that is an ongoing list for scholarships.

Deadline: July 1st 11:59PM (PST)
Winner Announced: August 1, 2015
Deadline: December 10th 11:59PM (PST)
Winner Announced: January 20, 2016

Spokeo Connections Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Deadlines: July 1st, December 10th

Spokeo is committed to connecting you with educators and your future. Answer one of three prompts and submit it through the Spokeo site to apply.



The Spokeo list of scholarships is here. This list is updated regularly. Consult it as a resource along with other scholarship sites, such as Fastweb.

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