Look at Life The Way Steve Jobs Did


October 18, 2011. If you are applying to college, you have certainly heard:   “What do you want to do? What are you interested in?”

You don’t have to know what you want to do when you write your college application essay.  You simply have to know what you care about, what you’ve done about it, and why.  It’s that simple.  Create a true story where you tell about a situation, an experience, a person, a book, or an idea that is meaningful to you. The story needs to describe both your experience, and your insight about that experience.

For inspiration, read Steve Job’s commencement speech and watch his video. He went through life with an enviable intensity. He was an original. Plan to enter and graduate college with that same excitement and inquisitiveness about life.

After watching the video, spend at least 10 minutes writing.  Set a timer, and start to write.  Keep the pen moving. Don’t cross out, don’t worry about spelling, punctuation and grammar, you can correct those later.  Get some ideas on the page.  Writing will get your ideas flowing.  You can’t edit a blank page. You can download the common app questions here.

Need more assistance with your college application essay?  Write debbie@essaycoaching.com.  We educate and motivate. You create.

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