Grateful and Celebrating as Gold Medal Winner of the 2014 Global Ebook Awards!
Aug 16, 2014
So excited to receive this email this morning:
Congratulations Gold Medal Winner of the 2014 Global Ebook Awards!
Congratulations Debbie Merion, for winning in the Non-Fiction – Parenting/Family category for Solving the College Admissions Puzzle. For the full list of winners based on category (Click Here).
Thank you to my esteemed colleagues at, John Boshoven and Geri Markel, for authoring this award-winning book with me, for sale here on We will be appearing on Oct. 2, 2014 at the Ann Arbor District Library for College Night. Here is some more information about that event:
This event is intended for adults and teens (grade 9 and up).
Applying to college? This event is for you: AADL’s 8th annual College Night with the co-authors of Solving the College Admissions Puzzle: A Guide for Students and Families About College Selection, Essay Writing, and High-Stakes Testing. Learn how to reduce your stress and increase your chances for success from the three experts of
Community High’s college prep counselor John Boshoven, M.A., M.S.W. will help you understand how to find the college that fits; Essay Coaching founder Debbie Merion, M.S.W, M.F.A. explains how to write a winning college application essay, and Managing Your Mind principle Geri Markel Ph.D. will provide tips about how to score your highest on tests such as the ACT and SAT, to be followed by Q and A. This event will include a book signing with copies of the book available for purchase.
[Would you like to work with an award-winning writer who helps businesses, authors and students tell their story in a compelling, meaningful way? Write Debbie Merion:]