67 College Scholarship Opportunities
March 6, 2013. If you are a college applicant with more time than money, then you are a perfect candidate to explore this list of scholarships. Some require an essay.
Students in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area may find it helpful to attend this class: Writing Essays to Win Scholarships.
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- 10 Words or Less Scholarship Deadline: 5/1/13 www.facebook.com/myscholarships
- A2 Area Community Foundation Scholarships Deadline: 4/1/13. Scholarships in Barker, Bartman and Nathan Hall Scholarships aaacf.org/scholarships
- A2 National Assoc. of Negro Buss & Prof. Women’s Clubs Scholarships: Deadline: 3/13/13
- AAA Safety Patrol Scholarship Deadline: 4/26/13 seniors, 3.0+, service, former safety patrollers! Nomination 1/school.
- AADL Teen Short Story Writing Contest, $100-250. Deadline: 3/15/13 aadl.org
- Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Deadline: 6/14/13 af.scholarships@abbottand fenner.com
- American College Foundation Scholarship Deadline: 4/1/13 www.americanCollegeFoundation.org enter Code M6767.
- American College Foundation Visionary Scholarship Deadline April 1, 2013 9-12th, $1000-5000 use code M6767 http://www.americancollegefoundation.org
- American Legion Scholarships: Deadline to apply Varies includes oratorical, student trooper, baseball, Brewer and Wilson, Boys State and Eagle Scout www.michiganlegion.org
10. B Davis Scholarship, $1000, Deadline 5/27/13, www.studentawardsearch.com/scholarships
11. Bailey’s Guide Deadline to apply: varies $2500 college-bound student or non-traditional student http://www.baileysguide.com
12. BBG Communications Scholarship Deadline: 6/30/13 www.studentscholarships.org/scholarships
13. Beans for Brains Scholarship Deadline 3/31/13 $vaires seniors who knit, sew, crochet w/photo www.jimmybeanswool.com/scholarshipHome.asp
14. Best Buy Scholarships Deadline: 2/15/13 http://pr.by.com
15. Beyond the Boroughs Scholarship Deadline 4/1/13 $5000 seniors, low income, 2/5+, service www.beyongtheboroughs.org
16. Big Sun Scholarship Deadline: 6/21/13 $00 student-athletes athleticscholarship@bigsunathletics.com
17. Bill and Melinda Gates Scholarships African American, Hispanic Financial need http://www.gmsp.org Deadline to apply: None
18. Buick Achievers Scholarships Deadline: 2/28/13, college-bound seniors, future engineers, technology design or business or auto-related study www.buickachievers.com
19. Craziest Thing to Save Money Scholarship Deadline 4/30/13 $4000 www.dosomething.org/crazy/about/scholarship
20. Detroit Society of Women Engineers Scholarships, Deadline: 3/1/13. Scholarships include Certificates of Merit, Madame Curie Award, www.swe.org
21. DKG Senior Girl Scholarship Deadline 4/10/13 3.0+, service, leadership, college-bound.
22. DLG Viral Video Contest Deadline: 3/31/13 $2000 PSA on driving under the influence http://diglawfirm.com/viral-video-scholarship-contest/
23. Dutchcrafters Scholarship Deadline 5/1/13 $500 seniors, essay and need www.dutchcrafters.com/heritage-scholarship
24. Educaid Gimme Five Sweepstakes Deadline to apply: Varie http://www.educaid.com/sweepstakes.htm
25. Gilbaitti Scholarship Deadline: 3/1/13 senior www.mortgagebrokerslangley.ca/
26. Go Bananas for Fastweb Deadline 3/15/13 $3000 raffle www.fastweb.com/contebt/go-bananas-sweepstakes
27. GRHS Essay Contest Deadline: 3/31/13 $1000 German-Russian history, heritage, or culture www.grhs.org/youthn/youth.html
28. HEALTHY CHOICES SCHOLARSHIP $500 Deadline: April 30, 2013 College-bound senior, essay.
29. Heart of America Christopher Reeve Award Deadline to apply: Varies Seniors, demonstration of courage and community service http://www.heartofamerica.org
30. Illustrators of the Future Contest Deadline to apply: Varies science fiction and/or fantasy artwork $500-4000
31. Inroads Internship Program Deadline to apply: Varies Under represented minorities internship opportunities Amount Varies http://www.inroads.org
32. Jeptha Wade Schureman Scholarship Deadline 2/1/13 $7500 loss of father to death or parental rights www.cfsem.org
33. John Weir Scholarships, Deadline 2/15/13, college-bound seniors with disabilities.
34. Joyce Ivy Foundation Scholarships Deadline: 3/15/13 Summer study scholarships for young women at prestigious colleges and universities. www.joyceivyfoundation.org
35. Kohl’s Cares Scholarship Program Deadline: 3/15/13 nominate a young volunteer age 6-16, $10,000. Nominators must be 21+. www.kohls.com
36. Kroger: “I Can Make History Contest” celebrating Black History Month. Deadline: 2/28/13 Art, music, essay or poetry.
37. Lake Trust Scholarship Deadline: 3/29/13 $1000 Seniors app.
38. Lights, Camera, Action Video Contest Deadline 4/15/13 $3000 18 yrs.+ www.gotchosen.com/VideoScholarship.aspx
39. Linda Riddle/Women’s Sports Foundation Int’l Scholarships Deadline to apply: varies http://www.WomensSportsFoundation.org
40. Masonic Scholarship Deadline 3/15/13 seniors, $1500 college-bound essays
41. MassMutual Scholars Deadline 5/3/13 $5000 minority, 3.0+ career interest in insurance/fin./ services industry www.act.org/massmutual/
42. Michigan AAA School Safety Patrol Scholarship Deadline: 5/12/13 $1000 Seniors
43. Michigan Retailers Assoc. Scholarships, Deadline 4/1/13, college-bound seniors, child of MRA member, part-time employees of MRA, www.retailers.com
44. National Caring Award Deadline to apply: Varies Community service and social responsibility http://www.caring-institute.org
45. Negative Population Growth Scholarship Deadline 4/23/13 $2500 seniors, essay http://npg.org/2013essayscholarshop.html
46. Odenza Marketing Group Award Deadline: 3/30/13 essay www.odenzzascholarships.com
47. Project Clean-Up Deadline 3/29/13 $5000 anti littering project www.dosomething.org/cleanup
48. Project Yellow Light Scholarship Deadline 4/1/13 $5000 srniors, video that discourages distracted driving http://projectyellowlight.com/
49. ROGERS COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP – $500 Deadline: June 1, 2013. College-bound seniors
50. Rosa Parks Scholarship Deadline 3/1/13, Seniors w/need, $2000 rosaparksscholarshipfoundation.org
51. Rotary Youth Exchanges Deadline to apply: Varies experiences in many countries Rotary Foundation http://www.rotary.org
52. SAE Poster Contest Deadline: 3/27/13 $50-1,000 Posters will be dispayed at event @ Cobo Ctr 5/16-16 www.sae-detroit.org
53. Samsung Grant Deadline 5/1/13 win camera for school -lesson plan to use camera http://www.samsunggrants.com
54. Scholarship Slam on Civil Rights Deadline 3/31/13 $1000 Create poem www.powerpoetry.org/poetry-slams/scholarship-slam-civil-rights
55. Scholastic Art and Writing Award Deadline to apply: Varies middle or high school art or writing program http://www.scholastic.com/artandwritingawards/enter.htm
56. StateUniversity.com Scholarship $500, juniors and seniors apply at stateuniversity.com
57. Stuart Phillips Memorial Scholarship Deadline to apply: Varies Financial need, 3.0+, balance bet. academic and service $3000-10,000 http://www.phillips-scholarship.org/
58. Swackhamer Disarmament Video Contest Deadline 4/1/13 $1000 www.peacecontests.org
59. Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund: Deadline to apply: NoneFinancial Need at Historically Black Public Colleges http://thurgoodmarshallfund.org
60. Truman Picard Scholarship Deadline to apply: Varies Native or Alaskan Student Scholarship http://www.itcnet.org/picard.html
61. US Bank Scholarship Deadline 5/31/13 $1000 seniors www.usbank.com
62. Veterans for Peace Deadline to apply: Varies essay http://www.veteransforpeace.org
63. Visionary Scholarship Program Deadline: 5/1/13 $1000-5,000 invitation code: M6767 www.americancollegefoundation.org
64. Yale Young Global Leaders Scholarships, Deadline 3/1/13, 10th, 11th grade, globalscholars.yale.edu
65. Yale Young Global Leaders Scholarships, Deadline 3/1/13, 10th, 11th grade, www.globalscholars.yale.edu
66. Yoshiyama Award for Exemplary Service Deadline to apply: Varies Outstanding community service and leadership, (Hitachi Foundation)
67. Youth for Understanding Exchange Scholarships Deadline to apply: Varies Summer and academic year scholarships http://www.yfu-usa.org